English Alumni Book Club

Join the SFU English Alumni Book Club and connect with other SFU English alumni over engaging texts! Our book club is guided by SFU English alumnus and Langara instructor Glenn Deefholts. 

Upcoming Meeting: Thursday, August 1st, 2024 (6:30-8 PM)

Location: Waves Coffee House (715 Columbia Street, New Westminster) - Private room has been booked. This location is within walking distance of the Columbia and New Westminster SkyTrain stations. Street parking is available.

Reading Selection: “Birdsong,” a short story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This story is available online or you can request a PDF by emailing: englcmns@sfu.ca (Please note: The story contains mild sexual content.)

RSVP: Eventbrite or email: englcmns@sfu.ca

Please read the text before the meeting so we can have a meaningful discussion.

Meeting 1: May 23, 2024

Reading Selection: "Survivor's Pension" by S.G. Wong

More information about the story selection:

"Survivors' Pension" comes from the anthology, Vancouver Noir, edited by Sam Wiebe, who was SFU English's 2023 writer-in-residence.

S.G. Wong or Sandra SG Wong (she/her) writes fiction across genres, including the cross-genre, award-nominated Lola Starke novels and Crescent City short stories, and the bestselling standalone thriller and Anthony Awards finalist, IN THE DARK WE FORGET.